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Hypertension and obesity

According to recent studies, 1 in 4 people in India suffer from hypertension. We also know that only 12% of people with high blood pressure have their blood pressure under control. Hypertensio

n is now the leading cause of premature death, directly responsible for approximately 50% of deaths from stroke and 25% of deaths from coronary heart disease in India.

Globally, the prevalence of obesity-related disorders such type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease is increasing. They combine to create the metabolic syndrome. High blood pressure is 3.5 times more likely to occur in obese adults. Obesity is thought to be directly responsible for between 60 and 70 percent of adult onset hypertension. Children who are obese have a three times higher risk of developing high blood pressure.

How is Hypertension associated with Obesity

Stress, physical activity, and food all play significant roles in the development of obesity-related hypertension. There are other genetic and physiological factors. High levels of visceral or abdominal fat and insulin resistance increase a person's risk of high blood pressure. Leptin and adiponectin, among other hormones, are implicated. Obstructive sleep apnea, another cause of some people's high blood pressure, is also a risk factor for obesity. Renal pressure is raised as a result of belly fat and raised intra-abdominal pressure. Obese persons tend to retain more salt, which might result in hypertension. The renin-angiotensin system's activation also plays a role in the hypertension associated with obesity.

Treatment of obesity-related hypertension

The management of hypertension caused by obesity requires a similar approach to that of hypertension in patients without obesity. In most cases, physicians prescribe blood pressure medications to patients. Nonetheless, weight loss plays a crucial role and can significantly impact the course of treatment. Alongside medication, lifestyle modifications hold significant importance and are closely linked to achieving optimal blood pressure control. A well-balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress reduction techniques, and adequate sleep hygiene are fundamental pillars in the treatment of chronic lifestyle diseases, including hypertension. Weight management is an imperative aspect of the treatment plan for individuals diagnosed with obesity-related hypertension.

Navigating weight management is a multifaceted journey, often leaving patients motivated to shed pounds but lacking guidance on how to achieve their goals. For individuals grappling with obesity (BMI 23.5-27.5 kg/m2), seeking the expertise of a qualified weight loss professional and engaging in a physician-supervised weight loss program is crucial. The sooner this proactive step is taken, the more favorable the outcomes become. Sustaining a healthy weight necessitates embracing a well-balanced diet, engaging in moderate exercise for 30-45 minutes daily, prioritizing quality sleep, and minimizing stress levels. A solid sleep routine of 6-8 hours each night is pivotal for effective weight control.

Those categorized with grade 1 obesity (BMI 27.5-32.5 kg/m2) should embark on a supervised weight loss program. If repeated attempts fail to yield results, a weight loss specialist may explore alternative options such as drug therapy or endoscopic weight loss procedures like gastric balloon insertion, which are displaying promising outcomes. Although not currently available in India, these innovative weight loss medications hold promise for the future.

Patients with grade 2 or 3 obesity (BMI ≥ 32.5 kg/m2) must prioritize weight loss as their primary objective. With continued weight gain, these individuals become susceptible to high blood pressure, as well as other components of metabolic syndrome like diabetes and cholesterol issues. The confluence of these conditions significantly amplifies the risk of heart disease. In such cases, bariatric/metabolic surgery can be a viable solution, alongside medication and endoscopic procedures, to promote weight loss and alleviate hypertension and other obesity-related ailments.

In essence, approaching obesity-related hypertension holistically demands addressing weight management alongside pharmacotherapy for hypertension. Attaining proper blood pressure control stands as the cornerstone in mitigating the risks associated with heart disease. Take actions now to manage your weight, best tips here.



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